lStewieAl for the idea and mod description I've copied.I ran into this problem today, and I've come up with a few solutions.Ian Patterson for helping me setting up F4SE.Use only for debugging, disabled by default. bDebugMode (0/1) - will enable\disable debug mode.

bShowPlayTime (0/1) - will show\hide play time in Discord profile. If you are using MO2 - it will be here - "MO2\overwrite\F4SE\Plugins\Discord_Presence_F4SE.ini" Installation path should look like "Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\Discord_Presence_F4SE.dll"Īfter first launch plugin creates an INI file at following path - "Data\F4SE\Plugins\Discord_Presence_F4SE.ini" Unpack the archive to your Fallout 4 folder. Game Activity enabled in Discord settings.Desktop Discord client (web client won't work).Character name, location, health and amount of caps.Which menu you're currently in (paused, lockpicking, using terminal, trading, sleeping, dialogue, leveling up, using workshop or in main menu).Integrates Discord Rich Presence into Fallout 4, allowing you to show what you're currently doing in game on your Discord profile. Console modding permission This mod will not be available on for console users.Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets.